Cognitive Training to Better Manage Stress

Cognitive Training to
Better Manage Stress
Train one-on-one to learn
stress management skills
High precision heart rate feedback
to train your stress response
Enhancing Your Performance,
Relationships, Health, and Spirituality

Ibernetics, LLC is a research and development company whose mission is to create practical and educational tools that transform the lives of our clients and those around them in ways that increase health and harmony.

We use the mathematical formulation of Ibernetics and the Unease Modulation Model, a revolutionary new approach to stress, as the principles from which we create the methods and techniques that we teach. We offer our training to select individual clients who are growing into leadership positions. We offer consulting and training to organizations, primarily those involved in human and veterinary medicine. We also license our materials to other training organizations and have clients in the US, Canada, and Europe.

The Unease Modulation Model: Revolutionizing Health, Stress Management, and Public Policy

Dr. Joseph Arpaia and Dr. Judth P. Andersen

Get to know more:

Our Services

cupped hands holding dirt with a seedling growing out of it and sunlight in the background

Resilience Coaching

Train one-on-one with Dr. Arpaia to learn specific stress management skills and how to apply them to your life. We start with Unease Modulation Model and how to identify the different components of stress. We then apply this knowledge to help you increase your effectiveness under stress in a sustainable and adaptive manner in the situations most relevant to your goals.

Join the Academy of Consciousness

Join a community of like-minded professionals all learning to apply the revolutionary Unease Modulation Model to better manage the stress. We offer trainings, foster community, encourage group learning, and share important new and other resources.

translucent brain graphic

Recent Blog Posts

  • Crowd watching fireworks and celebrating at night

    Finding Peace in Chaotic Times

    Chaos is unpredictable. We desire what is known or predictable and what can be controlled. When we desire something that we don’t have that causes unease. We may not be able to change the situation, but we can alter our internal response to it.

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  • landscape with a stepping stone path over a hill.

    Motivation vs Determination

    What is the difference between motivation and determination? Motivation changes our desire to do a task while determination helps us do a task we would rather not do.

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HRV Apps

Dr. Arpaia developed the HRV apps over years of study on the relationships between stress and heart rate variability in his patients.

With the apps, individuals or teams can train to make more effective decisions under high pressure situations and to recover more effectively from the physical and mental strain of stressful jobs.


Our book approaches meditation as a precise training program that develops specific mental qualities, enabling you to live an increasingly effective, compassionate, and meaningful life. Real Meditation in Minutes a Day is an easygoing, always-encouraging mental workout buddy, ready to teach and train you. 
